Recycled Kimono Fabric Samue

¥16,000(tax not included)
We can make a samue (work clothes for Zen monks) out of your old kimono!!
Bring us any kimono that you don’t wear anymore.
・Women’s wool kimono (we use women’s kimono to make men’s samue also)
・Pure silk kimono lining (the outer jacket will have a lining, pants can be lined or unlined, the garment will have pockets)
Medium:Size 7 to 9 Large:Size 10 to 13
☆We can only make the outer jacket from a men’s kimono!
☆It takes about 1 month to complete the garment.
☆Please bring in your kimono without untying it.

Recycled Kimono Fabric Samue



メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です



Fashion + Eco-Friendly = Kyoto-style Re-Kimono!
We help people enjoy wearing kimono in their day-to-day lives
by buying, selling, recycling, & repairing antique kimono.


〒600-8054 Kyoto Shimogyou-ku Bukkouji-doori Yanagi-no-banba Higashiiru Bukkouji Higashimachi 112-1
TEL/FAX: 075-344-4566 E-MAIL:
Operating Hours: 11 AM ~ 6 PM Closed On: Every Monday/Every 2nd Tuesday